Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How Much For Your Wings?

Good news you'll never hear(Hattip to Jonah @ The Corner):

The Iraqi Airforce graduates its first post-Saddam pilots.

Argghhh!: has the details of the happy event.

"One of the kids nudged me when a DV started getting passionate in his address, and was interrupted by a standing ovation:“He is saying that for the first time in our history, we are not doing things for one man, but we are doing it for all the people of Iraq. He is saying the US has showed us how, and we must not forget when we thank God every day, we must also ask him to bless the US.”"

Godspeed the day when the Iraqis can see their jets flying over head and feel the same sense of pride and security that I do when I see our boys.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Winter Rules!

On a dark and rainy evening, a lone guitarslinger calmly walked in...

...Sat down and killed.

Johnny tore it up and left a wet and satisfied crowd. Not for the first time, I'll bet.

Edgar graced us with his silver sax on Mary Ann. A historic show. May they rock on forever.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Holding Fire

Hotly the dragon weeps for lost opportunities.

McCain has turned in another maddening performance. With conservatives still wishing he had held his stand against the pork-and-crap-filled croissant that was and is the Bailout Bill, he ups the ante by making a Gov't buyout of failing mortgages the centerpiece of his economic policy. Somewhere Marx(not Groucho!) is smiling.

If that weren't enough, he has once again declined to nail Obama to his very recently past associates: Ayers, Rezko, Wright, not to mention Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Reid, et al. The only possible reason I can see for McCain's forbearance is that he and his handlers believe that these charges will have a very short lifespan once leveled, and must be held back in the face of the public's rapidly shrinking attention span.

Caution, Senator: Keeping your powder dry will avail you nothing when all of your soldiers have abandoned you in despair.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Found this ghostly nightmare in the backyard. He told me it was about time I started blogging again. And then he ate my brains.