Holding Fire

Hotly the dragon weeps for lost opportunities.
McCain has turned in another maddening performance. With conservatives still wishing he had held his stand against the pork-and-crap-filled croissant that was and is the Bailout Bill, he ups the ante by making a Gov't buyout of failing mortgages the centerpiece of his economic policy. Somewhere Marx(not Groucho!) is smiling.
If that weren't enough, he has once again declined to nail Obama to his very recently past associates: Ayers, Rezko, Wright, not to mention Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Reid, et al. The only possible reason I can see for McCain's forbearance is that he and his handlers believe that these charges will have a very short lifespan once leveled, and must be held back in the face of the public's rapidly shrinking attention span.
Caution, Senator: Keeping your powder dry will avail you nothing when all of your soldiers have abandoned you in despair.
Labels: debate, frustration, madness, McCain, Obama
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