Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Disc Golf Update

Well the lure of disc golf has me snagged pretty good. Tho I'm hitting the course much less than I did last year. The price of gas and simple lost man hours has kept me coming home to throw in the schoolyard or park in my backyard. It's a pretty sweet deal, especially since I definitely need work on my fundamentals. The schoolyard is an elementary school that's more or less empty evenings. There's an extremely sandy oval track with playground within and a half soccer field on the end. I like to stand on the track and throw across the field towards the soccer goal on the far side. I used to make it 1/2 to 3/4 across, 150 feet tops. Now my throws are regularly exceeding 200 feet, flying past the soccer goal and flirting with the fence at the end of the field. I'm pretty psyched about it. Still, I'm committed to reaching 300+ before I'm satisfied.

Thought I'd post my current bag (all Innova DX, 'cept the Wizard):
  • Teebird 165g, brand new, overstable as heck
  • Teebird 170g, picked up used, was destroyed, I melted some of the gouges out of it, now it's usably understable, if not tournament legal, flips up from a hyzer, consistantly my longest disc
  • Viper 170g, lightly used, my reliable uber overstable, might get bumped by the new Teebird
  • Gazelle 172g, a little heavy for me, lightly seasoned, a control driver for windy days
  • Gazelle 168g, seasoned, my control driver, vies with the Teebird for length, envies my Rocs for comfort.
  • Roc 166g, well seasoned, trying for beat, but the new DX is tough! It's a Roc, it's what I'm teaching myself to play with.
  • Roc 167g, see above. Old DX, after frightening damage, seems to have toughened up. Maybe the trees are just softer.
  • Roc 168g, newer, keeping for headwinds.
  • Gateway Wizard S 168g, seasoned, putts and approaches, has same distance as my Rocs, but I avoid throwing it at anything but the basket.

So, all base plastic, which I like for the feel, and the organic way it ages. Also all stable molds, which keep me lovin the natural fade and away from bad habits. Blame Blake T and the crowd at Disc Golf Review for my good choices. Nothing by my own hand beat into a roller yet, waiting... waiting...

The discs I've picked up and are now in the closet are starting to pile up:

  • Champ Orc
  • Champ Roadrunner
  • Champ Shark
  • Champ Valkyrie
  • DX Wraith
  • DX Cheetah
  • X Challenger
  • D Banger GT
  • X Buzz

Anyway, that's the state of play. +13 personal best at Castle Hayne(oh, the shame!)

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