Moonbats of the Right, Engage.........NOW!
Just kidding.
Last night we saw the end result of a dissatisfied electorate. While in power, the Republicans snubbed their friends and made overtures to their enemies. For every conservative step forward, like the tax cuts and the judges, there was two liberal WTF steps backward like the education bill, the highway bill, the farm bill, and amnesty for illegals. Foreign policy was never properly sold or vigorously pursued enough to capture the right’s allegiance even as the left was in paroxysms of hysterics.
It wasn’t a winning strategy; depressing your base, and whipping up the opposition, and, as the polls predicted, the Democrats claimed the House and may have the Senate. Life goes on. I hope the Republicans take the right lessons from this defeat.
A small point that got me writing: K-Lo at The Corner posted a congratulatory letter from Michael Moore to his people. It opens:
Back when President Clinton was tromping on civil rights-the FBI files, Waco, Texas, Elian Gonzales, etc.. and selling ballistic missile tech to the Red Chinese, what kept the kept the country from descending into armed revolt was the knowledge that whatever happened, President Clinton was going to be off the stage in 2 or 6 more years. When the Senate failed to find Clinton guilty of impeachable offenses, neither the east coast nor the west burned in protest. Why? Again, the system’s natural pressure release mechanism was at work. Don’t like the result? Wait a few years, vote for change.
So to have Mr. Moore open with “The impossible has happened.” at the moment the left’s Imperial Presidency canard is proved a sham is a particularly vile bit of demagoguery. This is the way the system works, Mr. Moore. Conservatives understand this. Which is why we won’t be riding our Moonbats back in to office in two years. Properly chastened, we shall return with sharpened arguments and a renewed commitment to our core principles. We will get power back, and back to saving your behind whether you like it or not. Cheers!
Last night we saw the end result of a dissatisfied electorate. While in power, the Republicans snubbed their friends and made overtures to their enemies. For every conservative step forward, like the tax cuts and the judges, there was two liberal WTF steps backward like the education bill, the highway bill, the farm bill, and amnesty for illegals. Foreign policy was never properly sold or vigorously pursued enough to capture the right’s allegiance even as the left was in paroxysms of hysterics.
It wasn’t a winning strategy; depressing your base, and whipping up the opposition, and, as the polls predicted, the Democrats claimed the House and may have the Senate. Life goes on. I hope the Republicans take the right lessons from this defeat.
A small point that got me writing: K-Lo at The Corner posted a congratulatory letter from Michael Moore to his people. It opens:
You did it! We did it! The impossible has happened: A majority of Americans have soundly and forcefully removed Bush's party from control of the House of Representatives. And, sometime today perhaps, we may learn that the same miracle has happened in the Senate. Whatever the outcome, the American people have made two things crystal clear: End this war, and stop Mr. Bush from doing any more damage to this country we love. That is what this election was about. Nothing else. Just that. And it's a message that has sent shock waves throughout Washington — and a note of hope around this troubled world.While Mr. Moore is welcome to his own conclusions as to what this election was about, I have to take issue with his framing it as “The impossible has happened.” What has happened was precisely the possible. Something more possible in America than anywhere else. So, it wasn’t a good night for my candidates or my point of view- it was a great night for democracy. This is exactly what makes America work despite its ideologically fractured electorate.
Back when President Clinton was tromping on civil rights-the FBI files, Waco, Texas, Elian Gonzales, etc.. and selling ballistic missile tech to the Red Chinese, what kept the kept the country from descending into armed revolt was the knowledge that whatever happened, President Clinton was going to be off the stage in 2 or 6 more years. When the Senate failed to find Clinton guilty of impeachable offenses, neither the east coast nor the west burned in protest. Why? Again, the system’s natural pressure release mechanism was at work. Don’t like the result? Wait a few years, vote for change.
So to have Mr. Moore open with “The impossible has happened.” at the moment the left’s Imperial Presidency canard is proved a sham is a particularly vile bit of demagoguery. This is the way the system works, Mr. Moore. Conservatives understand this. Which is why we won’t be riding our Moonbats back in to office in two years. Properly chastened, we shall return with sharpened arguments and a renewed commitment to our core principles. We will get power back, and back to saving your behind whether you like it or not. Cheers!
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