Thursday, November 09, 2006

Amidst the Gloom...

...A light shineth: Closencounters Online Manga Is Back!!!

While trolling for online anime, I came across this gem by Tsuteru Shiba. It's very well drawn, very imaginative, and very Japanese. The first eight episodes are around 30 gorgeous full-color panels each, and if you have a slow system you can download an entire episode as an e-book. Tsuteru took a hiatus over the summer to deal with server issues amongst other things. I'm tickled pink he's back, posting two panels a week,-even if they're black and white. Actually the more traditional black and white looks pretty cool, I'm looking forward to seeing where he goes with it.

BTW if you've never read a manga- they read right to left, top to bottom, and young men have nosebleeds when they get overly "excited." Read in good health!


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