In order to grease the rails for Dubya’s eminently qualified nominees, I humbly submit:
“The Choice”
Liberal senators can’t bee seen as anti-“choice” right?
A pre-emptory change based on the idea that no senator would want to admit to being “Fristed”
“The Crawford Smackdown”
An invitation to the Republicans to “Cowboy Up”
“The Undocumented Worker Protection Act”
See “The Choice” above. Truth in advertising is for chumps!
“Advise and Consent: XXXtreme!” Senators from the porn belt are sure to bite. Also exploits red-state desire to be seen as “hip” and “with it” with the Gen-X crowd.
“The Clinton Legacy”Weighing his options, Bubba might just decide this is the best way to get into the history books.
“Minority Nominee Assistance”
Of course, the minority in question is conservatives in the Judiciary.
“The Alternative Fuels Option”
Just a few greens on our side could tip the balance.
“The Wide World of Sports Rule”
It’s the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, baby. To the victor goes the spoil. Them’s the rules. Get yourselves elected President and you won’t have to worry about it next time.
“The Status Quorum”
Acknowledging the fact that the Nuclear Option is really just the way it’s always been done.