Tuesday, May 24, 2005


AAARRGGGHHH!!! (thanks to Michelle Malkin)

Sometimes Tuesday feels like Monday. Here I thought we just about to re-establish some sense of Adult Oversight to the Senate, and we're right back where we started. Doesn't Frist have any sort of hammer to wield over his fellow Republicans? Where's the leadership? I knew that he was giving the Jellyfish way too much time to get their act together. I can't believe it.

My personal fantasy would be that Frist would say: It's all well and good that you folks have made your compromise, but we're having the votes, and if we can't get cloture, we'll just go through the point of order anyway, because IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!!!

Ok, Gotta cool down.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

DREAD WEAPON SYSTEM: Devastating, Jam-Proof, and Silent

So much for my hiatus! As soon as I see something like
THIS I have to comment. Boy, am I glad they're on our side.

On the other hand, this takes us a step closer to that point where the military has total supremacy over the civilian populace. If, God forbid, we ever have to take up arms against our own government, this pretty much seals the deal in the Government's favor. When the right to keep and bear arms is rendered moot, what is our defense against tyranny?

Reports of My Demise...

Been a while since I've put anything into the ole blog. I've certainly had plenty to write about, but the drive has been lacking. Short list:

  • Judicial Nominations: Frist finally grows a pair! Now proceeding to gut-churning slowmo period of talk and potential backslide until first vote, after which everything supposedly becomes clear and moves faster.
  • Music: I'm at sea. The thing I need to do is offer Dead Man's Shoes services to various local establishments. Thinking about it makes me want to go to bed. Nothing else is calling either. I plowed the Arts Festival proceeds into a rather fine compact mixer, A Mackie 1202-VLZ. I feel good that it's a sturdy, pro-level tool, like a Shure mic say. Finding the time and place to use it... well, that's mixed into the whole ambivalence mentioned above.
  • maintenance: The yard's a wreck. The house too. Dustin's graduations and attendant houseguests bearing down upon us. Did I mention wanting a nap?

Inspiring stuff, I know. Two weeks from Babydoll's new job as Activities Director for a brand new nursing home (Skilled Nursing Facility?). Don't know how much typing I'll get to in the next couple weeks, but here's a toe in the water.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Top o' the Heap!

Well, it was a very successful weekend. Two gigs (paid!), and first place in the songwriter's contest on Sunday. I'm still recovering from the celebration. My biggest challenge at this point is translating the momentary success into long-term success, preferably in the form of regular, well paying gigs.