Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Less Is More

Tuned into the President's Speech last night. I though it was nicely done. A couple bobbles, but not the kind that made him sound insecure or ignorant. And he had the confidence dialed in right so he sounded strong but not smug.

I also enjoyed the fact that he made his points, and moved on, so to speak. He didn't argue, defend or plead. He just laid the case out as he saw it, and left the other side to the other side.
I'm sure many editors are weeping in their cornflakes saying "Where's Guantanamo? Doesn't he realize Guantanamo is the lead story?"

Bush just had another Aircraft Carrier moment, honoring the troops first and foremost with dignity and wrapping himself in glory through it.

Right On, W!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Look out! Look out! Here come the Zombie Dogs!

First it was hibernatin' mice. Now it's Zombie Dogs!

"SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.

US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours
of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.
Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.

The animals are considered scientifically dead, as they stop breathing and have no heartbeat or brain activity.

But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock. "

With an insatiable desire for human flesh! Where's my shotgun?

Seriously, though, what an exciting time to be alive! or, er... dead.


Never fear the depletion of the ozone layer, or the consumption of oil reserves: The boundless ingenuity of man will always rise to the challenge. Doubters behold the genuis of the Buttered Cat Array and believe!
(hat tip to Jonah at The Corner)

Friday, June 24, 2005

Who Are These Guys?

Blogger has finally added images to their blog function! Will it spur me to post anything other than bland narcissistic promo pics? NAH! Pretty cool nonetheless. (hat tip to LIFEHACKER)

So here'z me and my mate, Dangerous Dave, the duo also known as Dead Man's Shoes. He's the short one. Thanks to the lovely and gracious Sherry for the picture.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Has anyone ever told you...

...You look like Henry Kissinger? Ben Stein over at The American Spectator has written a Pultizer-worthy rumination on the tragedy of Nixon's fall.

"Can anyone even remember now what Nixon did that was so terrible? He ended the war in Vietnam, brought home the POW's, ended the war in the Mideast, opened relations with China, started the first nuclear weapons reduction treaty, saved Eretz Israel's life, started the Environmental Protection Administration. Does anyone remember what he did that was bad?"

Undoubtedly the bull moose mother of all turds in the punch bowl of Deep Throat's coming out party. A brilliant piece of boat-rocking whose waves will be felt all over the country before the inevitable Watergate wrap-up books come out. Read the whole thing