Thursday, June 01, 2006

So Where Are We Now?

Obviously, it's been forever since my last post(text post below notwithstanding). Not in any particular order, here's what's been happening:

Yesterday I got my first birdie in disc golf! I was very psyched and it was the highlight of my best front nine yet- 10 over. On hole 6, a par three, my first throw got me halfway to the basket in the middle of the fairway. My second narrowly missed trees on the right, got low, hit a root four feet in front of the basket and skipped right into the chains.

Last night elation- this morning heartbreak. The double stamped bright orange champion Roadrunner 169 that I picked up for 10 bucks and was fast becoming my favorite disc wasn't in my bag. I must have left it on hole 9 when I putted. I can't believe I did it, but there's no other explanation. And yes, that was my first birdie disc. I sure hope someone calls with it.

Donna took a tumble across the street two weeks ago and has a badly sprained ankle. This has severely curtailed her exercise regimen and generally cast a pall over everything. On the plus side, we got her a pair of Crocs, the rubber-like clogs, and she says they're the best thing she's worn on her feet yet. They're so good, we picked up another pair of Croc thongs/flip flop/sandal type things for casual around the house.

I've been trying to pick up the slack around the house, but boy is there a lot of slack! I can definitely see how housewife can be a full-time job.

Speaking of slack, Dustin failed Gym this semester. Somehow just. can't. make. it. to...class...
So his summer is working at the Ocean Grill in Carolina Beach and taking makeup Gym. Whoo-hoo!

My music has definitely been hood-bound this spring. I'd like to get back into the night scene restaurants and bars, but finding the time money and energy to represent myself with a good front, I just don't know. It's sort of the same paralysis that hits me when I'm trying to find a job, fear of rejection maybe?

The Jeep still rocks! Best. Ride. Ever.

I'll save politics for later.


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